3º Premio del Concurso de Mapping Lux Greco Toledo

Con motivo del espectáculo de Lux Greco 2013, el Ayuntamiento de Toledo convocó un concurso de Mapping, que se proyectó en la fachada principal del monasterio de San Juan de los Reyes, los días 16, 17 y 18 de julio de 2013.

La temática era El Greco, vida y obra.

3º Premio y Licencia de Madmapper:

Autor: Neocortex _ Italia

Neocortex Project
is a young and dynamic group that has had the opportunity to partecipate at every kind of events. We are graduated in Computer Graphics and we have done a post graduation Master in 3d modeling and animation. We mainly work in these professional fields but we are specialized in realizing installations and videomapping performances.

For this project we have focused our attention on the relationship between lights and colors in the artistic production of El Greco. For this reason we have choose an audio track composed by a mix of pre-recorded samples of any kind of light (lamps, lighters, lightnings etc..).

– Video production : Neocortex Project
– Sound design : CCSoundesign

Our goal is the constant search of new expressive forms and techniques that can move away from what has already been done.
Stay tuned!

Neocortex Project
Neocortex Youtube
Neocortex Facebook

Además de ver a otros concursantes:


(Blanca Nieto, Eponine Franckx, Paco Vallejo, Maru Carranza y Alicia Guirao) es un colectivo de artistas multidisciplinares establecidos en Madrid y Berlín, representados por Galería Liebre.

Para este proyecto de mapping Bonus-Extra ha contado con la colaboración de: Nathaniel Robin Mann, Biancamaria Marchioro, Francesco Cigogneti, Ribera García y Victoria Ascaso.

Bonus-Extra Youtube
Bonus-Extra web
Galería Liebre
Bonus-Extra Facebook


My creative life is affected by many factors, i like to play from signs to motion, from paper to creative code. In the last years, i graduated in Visual Design at SPD in Milan and i work like freelance designer in typography and graphic fields. In the 2011, i knew Donato Maniello, founder of gloWArp.com, a digital collective based in south Italy. Together give a precise direction to gloWArp focused on new technologies, multimedia installations, video mapping and training through workshops.

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gloWArp Web
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