Mapping sobre la ciudad de Tokio, eso si a escala 1:1000

Un video mapping sobre una maqueta de la ciudad de Tokio con motivo de los 10 años Roppongi Hills.

Tokyo City Symphony
The 10 year celebration theme for Roppongi Hills is «LOVE TOKYO.» We will be starting a movement here from Roppongi Hills to transform Tokyo into a more attractive and exciting «world-class city.» We are opening a 10th anniversary website in which users can experience 3D projection mapping on a miniature model of the city of Tokyo at a 1:1000 scale.
Participants can enjoy various motifs of the city: «Futuristic City,» «Rock City,» and a traditional Japanese «Beauty of Nature» motif by pressing the keys on a keyboard, as if playing the piano. Exploit the possibilities and make Tokyo more dynamic and exciting.
Join us in a symphony with the entire city of Tokyo, and enjoy this completely new visual experience.