A collaboration piece showcasing the audio visual world created by artist Azael Ferrer. The 10 foot by 4.5 foot kaleidoscope constructed by Lukas Whatwhat and James Morales inspired Azael to create the audio visual journey into the infinite. Spectators become part of the installation by steeping into the kaleidescape.
Artist (Audio visual installation): Azael Ferrer azaelferrer.com/
Film by: Allen Myers nomadsight.com/
Music by: Ricardo Lopez aka Kitty Soul soundcloud.com/kitty-soul
Special thanks:
Betty Bigas (curator) bettybigas.com/
NightLife, at the, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA facebook.com/calacademy-nightlife
Babeland gallery, Oakland, CA facebook.com/babelandwarehouse
Hanna Quevedo (Photographer) hannaquevedo.com/
Spaz spaz.org/
Supernatural Factory, Oakland, CA
Merchants Of Reality, San Francisco, CA
San Francisco / Oakland, CA, June 2014
1- Vezér for timeline installation and control VDMX.
+ info http://www.vezerapp.hu/
2- VDMX for precise control of the performance and using the audio input for conducting performance.
+ info http://vidvox.net/
3- Madmapper for video Mapping and Led´s Mapping, using syphon and mad_doubler, we sending one video mapping to the output screeen, and the other video mapping to processing for control the led stripe.
+ info http://www.madmapper.com/
4- Processing with Pixel Pusher for control the Led´s stripe
+ info http://processing.org/ http://www.heroicrobotics.com/
5- Quartz Composer for creating compositions that are used to the installation.
+ info http://quartzcomposer.com/