Kernel Mapping Cinema

Kernel Festival es un proyecto multianual para la promoción del arte, la investigación, la creatividad, la experimentación, el protagonismo juvenil, la industria y la creatividad contemporánea.

Kernel propone una innovadora agenda cultural y formativa, destinada a promover el desarrollo y la unión de nuevos lenguajes de expresión artística contemporánea, todo ello en relación con los medios de las nuevas tecnologías.

Kernel desencadena procesos de participación activa destinada a los jóvenes, forma una plataforma para el crecimiento, la expresión y la participación en la escena artística, cultural y productiva, territorial e internacional.


Toda la información: kernelfestival


On Friday the 27th and Saturday the 28th of September, in Desio, will be held the first exhibition/competition of artistic architectural projections (3D mapping).

AreaOdeon in collaboration with the Provincia di Monza e Brianza (Province) and the Città di  Desio (Municipality), with the support of the Regione Lombardia (Region) and the Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo (Ministry), promotes Kernel Mapping Cinema: a real open air cinema where the screen will be the impressive façade of the Villa and the audience will sit in the magnificent park in front of it.

During the two evenings will be presented sixteen audiovisual 3D mapping short films, produced by worldwide artists selected from the Kernel Platform in the past three years.  Thirteen contending artists and three guests out of competition (Telenoika, Roberto Fazio and AreaOdeon itself). Two awards, by the critics and the public, will establish the best short films.

here more info >

Kernel Mapping Cinema is presented as part of the initiative pH_2013, a project supported by Distretto Culturale Evoluto di Monza e Brianza, on the occasion of Ville Aperte in Brianza.

Shows time, Friday 27th and Saturday 28th _8.30 p.m. _11.15 p.m.
Ticket office  _7.30 p.m.
Ticket price _6 euro Reservation (not mandatory) _Ville Aperte
Further information _+39 039 5964994 (Mon-Fri 9.30 a.m.-6.30 p.m.)

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