To realise the seamless 360° shots TMS developed and conceived their own
unique camerasystem which enables to produce with a resolution of
17.720 x 1080 pixels.
Panoramaprojection: 7 projectors with 13.056 x 1080 pixels resolution
Projectionarea: 170 qm
Size Sphinxhall: 24 m x 11 m x 5,5 m
/Creative direction: Charlotte Tamschick
/Concept: TAMSCHICK MEDIA+SPACE GmbH in cooperation with Steiner Sarnen Schweiz
/Direction: Marc Tamschick
/Head of production and project management: Steffen Armbruster
/Project management assistance: Anne Sebald
/Conception: Franziska Fuchs
/Jobs: Production, conception, creative direction, direction, art
direction, animation, post production, music and sound design,
/Motion Design, Animation, Post Production: Marc Osswald
/Edit: Sascha Eckardt
/3D-Visualisation: Matthias Wolf
/Music- and Sounddesign: Klangerfinder GmbH
/Client: Jungfraubahn AG
/Lead-Agency, scenography: Steiner Sarnen Schweiz, AG für Kommunikation
/Overall conception: Silvia Schlecht
/Project management: Silvia Schlecht
/Audiovisual equipment supply and installation: Bildflug GmbH
JUNGFRAUJOCH 2012 / Medial Scenography from Tamschick Media+Space GmbH on Vimeo.