Graffiti Research Lab

On June 17th, as part of 48 Hours Neukí¶lln, Graffiti Research Lab
Germany launched Light Rider, our mobile a/v bike system, alongside blitzTag, our new digital graffiti projection suite.

We will be doing more guerilla projections throughout the summer – please check our blog at for more details. Writers – get in touch!

We are also undergoing a crowd-funding campaign in order to purchase a
permanent 5K beamer for the Light Rider. Please consider supporting at​light-rider

Thanks to [Aktion! Karl-Marx Strasse], the Berlin chapter of the Awesome
Foundation, Open Design City, Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenurg, Licht
Piraten, and Chicanos South Central.

Video shot by Henrik Moltke.
Music by The Streets.

More details on the projects at​blitztag​light-rider